// first set the body to hide and show everyhthing when fully loaded ;) document.write(""); jQuery( document ).ready( function( $ ) { $( 'input.search-field' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); // here for each comment reply link of wordpress $( '.comment-reply-link' ).addClass( 'btn btn-primary' ); // here for the submit button of the comment reply form $( '#commentsubmit' ).addClass( 'btn btn-primary' ); // The WordPress Default Widgets // Now we'll add some classes for the wordpress default widgets - let's go // the search widget $( 'input.search-field' ).addClass( 'form-control' ); $( 'input.search-submit' ).addClass( 'btn btn-default' ); $( '.widget_rss ul' ).addClass( 'media-list' ); $( '.widget_meta ul, .widget_recent_entries ul, .widget_archive ul, .widget_categories ul, .widget_nav_menu ul, .widget_pages ul' ).addClass( 'nav' ); $( '.widget_recent_comments ul#recentcomments' ).css( 'list-style', 'none').css( 'padding-left', '0' ); $( '.widget_recent_comments ul#recentcomments li' ).css( 'padding', '5px 15px'); $( 'table#wp-calendar' ).addClass( 'table table-striped'); $(document.body).show(); } );